Drama 5

                          Snapaka Yohannan

      The Play Snapaka Yohannan was staged on 24/01/2024 as a part of Patrons Day.Script and direction done by Fr.Fijo Joseph.The story tells us Baptist John known for baptizing Jesus Christ in the Jordan River and for his role as a prophet preparing the way for the Messiah.John lived a simple life in the wilderness, preaching repentance and baptizing people as a symbol of cleansing from sin. He famously declared, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near".John's ministry drew large crowds, including Pharisees and Sadducees, whom he criticized for their hypocrisy. He recognized Jesus as the Messiah and baptized him, after which he witnessed the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus like a dove.His purpose was in preparing the way for Jesus Christ.It was near a 10 minutes play done by our Student Teachers under the lead of Fr.Fijo Joseph and it went well.


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