
Showing posts from April, 2024

Drama 6

                                     Longinus     The play Longinus was staged on March 27,2024. It was organized by Jesus Youth. The script and direction was done by Fr.Fijo Joseph Allapadan.The plays narrative was about a Roman soldier named Longinus who stabbed the crucified christ in the side with a Lance to check whether he was dead.Some of Jesus blood fell upon his eyes and he was healed. Upon this miracle Longinus believed in Jesus.The student teachers play lasted about thirty minutes. The drama was well acted by each individual, and it was a visual delight for everyone .

Drama 5

                          Snapaka Yohannan       The Play Snapaka Yohannan was staged on 24/01/2024 as a part of Patrons Day.Script and direction done by Fr.Fijo Joseph.The story tells us Baptist John known for baptizing Jesus Christ in the Jordan River and for his role as a prophet preparing the way for the Messiah.John lived a simple life in the wilderness, preaching repentance and baptizing people as a symbol of cleansing from sin. He famously declared, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near".John's ministry drew large crowds, including Pharisees and Sadducees, whom he criticized for their hypocrisy. He recognized Jesus as the Messiah and baptized him, after which he witnessed the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus like a dove.His purpose was in preparing the way for Jesus Christ.It was near a 10 minutes play done by our Student Teachers under the lead of Fr.Fijo Joseph and it went well.

Drama 4

OLACHOOT Report on olachoot  The play olachoot was  staged on 21 November 2023 as a part of Union day inauguration. Script and direction was done by fr. Fijo Joseph allapadan. The story of the play was about an old man, named krishnankutti mash where he decides to go to an old age home thinking that he will be a problem for his children.When he told his children about his wish, they refused. The play is about the love between father and son. On the other hand, it shows parents abandoned by their children. At the end of the drama,krishnankutti mash and his children went to old age home to celebrate his birthday.All members were performed well in the play. The play shows the contemporary issues in our society. It was a heart touching play. Light, and stage arrangements provided a emotional feeling to the audience. It was a great play by the student teachers.

Drama 3

                    CHRISTMAS SAMMANAM       The play ‘Christmas sammanam’ was staged on 23rd December 2022, as part of the Chrismas celebration in college. Script and direction was done by Fr.Fijo Joseph Alappadan.’ Christmas sammanam’ is a play which is having a spiritual touch. The play says about the story of a deaf and dum girl lives in an orphanage .She is healed by the power of jesus. The play incorporated all the other programmes inbetween.The play was very heart touching which helps to believe in god and to live hopefuly.The student teachers of 2nd year performed well.All the audience enjoyed well.

Drama 2

                           BHAGYADEVATHA      The play ‘Bhagyadevatha’ was staged on 14th November 2022 ,Monday as part of the Union day inauguration.Script and direction was done by Fr.Fijo Joseph Alappadan.The story of the play was based on the real situation – Homicide happened in kerala on 2022.Amiddle class couples Bhadran Vidyar and Sheela is doing a homicide with the help of a hindu sage to get a high status of living..At the end of the play a normal social observer is telling the opinion of the script writer about this case.The play shows the contemporary issues in our society.It was really the heart touching play which helps us to think about the level of current social scenario.The perfect scrips, good acting skills of the student teachers,and the professional light and sound arrangements helps in the huge success of the play.

Drama 1

                          VAZHITHIRIVUKAL      The play 'Vazhithirivukal' was staged on 19th January 2022, as part of Community Living Camp.Script and direction was done bye Fr.Fijo Joseph Alappadan.The play Vazhithirukal tells the story of a teacher named Saudhamini who rends a lot of struggles and hardships to become an inspirational teacher and gets a Govt job. The theme of the play revolves around the hardships faced by the teacher in the school, the pathetic life in the prison and later on the new paths paved by her to give a meaning in life. The teacher educators of our college played the different roles of the play. The play held a spellbinding impression on the audience. The presentation and the performance of the play brought a new vision on life among the student teachers of the college. 

Spandora 4

  Report on Spandora 2023-24           On 01-03-2024, Friday afternoon the stage was set up for the 4th Spandora. The program was organized by Natural Science option. Punya Pauly of Natural Science option welcomed everyone to the program and gave instructions to the program. The 4th Spandora was based on the state Himachal Pradesh in collaboration with ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat ‘ club. The program provided a platform to express the skills of student teachers of all option. Natural Science option started the program by performing a unique dance form of Himachal Pradesh. Then Physical Science option sang a song in their language , Social Science option prepared variety of dishes , malayalam option conducted a fashion show showing different styles of dresses, English option presented a tableau based on the celebrations of Himachal Pradesh and at last mathematics option presented a drama based on the incidents in Himachal Pradesh. The program successfully completed with vote of than

Spandora 3

Report on Spandora 2023-24     On January 18, 2024, the 3rd Spandora Stage came to life, organized by the Physical Science department. Students from various options  showcased their talents, making it a vibrant event. Reny Francy, representing Physical Science, warmly welcomed everyone and outlined the program. Dubbed as the 3rd Navajyothi Youth Festival, the event was meticulously organized, resembling a vibrant youth festival with carefully curated performances. The event commenced with the Mathematics option showcasing their talents through Kerala's beloved Thiruvathira Kali. Following that, the Social Science students mesmerized the audience with a captivating Kolkali performance. The Natural Science group then captured hearts with a spirited folk dance. The English department followed suit with a graceful Kaikotti Kali presentation. A delightful Nadanpattu by the Physical Science students further enriched the evening. Lastly, the Malayalam department concluded the festivities

Spandora 2

Report on spandora 2023-2024  The second spandora was conducted on 8-12 2023 Thursday afternoon. The event was organised by social science option. The event provided a platform to express the skills of student teachers from all options. The programme started with the prayer by surya Krishna and Rasha from social science option. Global Rhythm, a cultural Odyssey was the main concept behind the second spandora. Each option selected different countries and presented the cultural programmes of those countries. The journey started from Navajyothi to Tokyo through socio wings.The mathematics option’s journey spot was spain,physical science option went to UAE, natural science destination was China, Malayalam option opted Myanmar and the English option selected india as their travel spot.All student teachers performed well in the programme. It was a visual treat to the audience. The second spandora took the Audience into 6 different countries and showcased the art and cultural programmes of

Spandora 1

Report on Spandora 2023-2024      The first Spandora was conducted on 14.09.2023 Thursday afternoon. The event was organized by English Option. It provided a platform to express the skills of student teachers from all option. The programme started with the prayer by Aiswarya P.M and Alsha Raisen from English Option. The event was inaugurated by Sr. Dr. Annie Kuriakose.The Programme was conducted on behalf of our Respected Principal Sr. Dr. Gigi Paul, Talent exposition incharge of Father Fijo Joseph and our dear teachers.The first performance done by Malayalam option and it was a stamping drama. They put on a very beautiful performance through steps, acting and singing.The next performance was done by physical science option and that was Garbha dance. Next perfomance done by Maths option performed mime.Social science option performed a vintage dance and that was a beautiful performance done by them. Natural science option presented a folk song. Atlast English option performed cultural