Spandora 1

Report on Spandora 2023-2024

     The first Spandora was conducted on 14.09.2023 Thursday afternoon. The event was organized by English Option. It provided a platform to express the skills of student teachers from all option. The programme started with the prayer by Aiswarya P.M and Alsha Raisen from English Option. The event was inaugurated by Sr. Dr. Annie Kuriakose.The Programme was conducted on behalf of our Respected Principal Sr. Dr. Gigi Paul, Talent exposition incharge of Father Fijo Joseph and our dear teachers.The first performance done by Malayalam option and it was a stamping drama. They put on a very beautiful performance through steps, acting and singing.The next performance was done by physical science option and that was Garbha dance. Next perfomance done by Maths option performed mime.Social science option performed a vintage dance and that was a beautiful performance done by them. Natural science option presented a folk song. Atlast English option performed cultural dance. In all the events the student teachers performed very well. Beloved father Fijo congratulated all the student teachers.The programme was successfully completed with the vote of thanks Sr. Anjana V. B from English option came and thanked all the option for the involvement in spandora which made a great success.



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